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The Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Bubble Wrap

Posted by TigerPak on 1/25/2022
The Beginner’s Guide on How to Use Bubble Wrap

Most laypersons view bubble wrap as a free toy that comes with their packages, or as just a nuisance. As fun as popping the bubbles may be, shipping workers know better. Bubble wrap can be one of the most effective and important forms of protection that a fragile package can get.

Of course, this is only true if one knows how to use bubble wrap properly. As any long-time shipper would tell you, it’s hardly as simple as stuffing a bunch of it inside the container. This special blog post is a beginner-friendly crash course on the proper and effective use of bubble wrap.

Decide on Your Cushioning Materials

Before you break out the bubble wrap, you should always ask yourself: is available to shipping workers. Different shipments have different needs, so you should determine if bubble wrap meets them better than the rest.

Using bubble wrap may be wise if you answer yes to any of the following questions:

· Is the shipment sensitive to vibrations and shocks?

· Are there any other options that do not add much weight to the package?

· Does the item’s shape not lend itself well to filler pads and other forms of cushioning?

Find the Right Surface

Whether you intend to use bubble wrap or another cushioning material, the packing process always goes best when done on the right surface. The table or workspace you use should, of course, be big enough to hold the goods being packaged. Anything too small would be a major inconvenience.

The surface should also be flat. Otherwise, the item you’re handling and the tools you use may roll or slide off. Finally, if there’s anything on the space unrelated to the task at hand, clear it off. Toss out any trash and move any other materials to their proper place. Remember: a clean workspace is a happy workspace.

Maintain the Shipment’s Shape

Certain items feature large openings, sometimes with no means of closing, and are made with soft materials. Shoes are an example, and hats are another. People who order such goods expect them to arrive in their proper shape. How can a shipper maintain it in the face of the shipping process’s many challenges?

Before you take care of the exterior, you can use bubble wrap to take care of the interior as well. This versatile and flexible material can be shaped into a ball or clump and stuffed inside the item. It may then retain its shape without getting crushed or bent. If you learn how to use bubble wrap in this creative fashion, your packaging can make customers even happier.

Wrap with the Bubbles Facing Inside

When a layperson or first-time shipping worker is confronted with bubble wrap, their first instinct is often to wrap with the bubbles facing outward. The air pockets are more visible that way, so the notion is understandable. However, while it does provide cushioning, it’s not as effective as the inverse.

Experts would strongly recommend keeping the bubbles on the inside when wrapping a shipment. By touching the surface of the object, the bubbles can provide it with maximum protection. Moreover, the bubbles themselves are less likely to pop than if they were brushing or shoving against the container’s walls.

Add Even More Wrap

Do you know what would be even more effective than a layer of bubble wrap laid bubble side down? Adding another layer, or even a couple more on top of that. More cushioning means greater protection and a lower risk of damage. Use as much as necessary to cover the entire surface, leaving no gaps.

Smaller businesses may be concerned about using more than they can afford. We completely understand. With that said, using too little may lead to more packages with damaged on arrival, which may cause customers to shun you. It may be less expensive and ultimately more profitable to restock on bubble wrap more often. See if you can make it work in the budget.

Tape Loose Layers Together

One great advantage to bubble cushioning is that you can wrap it tightly around items of many different shapes and sizes without issue. However, its natural clinginess may not always be enough. Each layer may be prone to slipping off in the journey from the shipper’s workspace to the customer’s doorstep.

If the bubble wrap seems a little loose, you should secure it before it loosens any further. A little bit of tape may be enough. With just a couple of strips, you can hold multiple sheets or layers together. The result is greater security for the wrap, which translates to greater security for the item being shipped.

Practice, Practice, Practice

These steps may seem like a lot of information for novices to keep in mind. That’s okay — a little confusion at first is all part of learning any skill. We wrote published this article to serve as a reference. Feel free to come back and reread it whenever you need.

As you keep working with bubble wrap, you will start retaining more of this advice and learning a few things on your own. Over time, it will become second nature. If you are frustrated at first, just remember that even mistakes count as practice. What seems difficult now will become easy if you keep on practicing.

Learn How to Use Bubble Wrap with Tigerpak Products

Knowing how to use bubble wrap properly is an essential skill for anyone involved in shipping. This vital tool can keep fragile practices protected from the rigors of the shipping process, but only if used well. We hope the advice we gave here, drawn from our own experiences, helps make yours easier.

When you need high-quality bubble wrap, Tigerpak is the perfect place to shop. Our inventory features plenty of excellent shipping wrap in a variety of sizes. Check out our wares today, place an order, and start working on your wrapping skills right away.