Online sellers only get to see the beginning of the shipping process. They are not always aware of the rigors that all packages must endure while on the way to their destination. Heat, shock, and water pose potential hazards. Even a little turbulence may cause damage to small and fragile items.
Knowing how to pack fragile items is crucial for any business that handles its packaging. They require extra precautions, additional reinforcement, special tools, and a commitment to quality service. If you want your goods to reach customer doorsteps intact, take heed of the professional advice we offer below.
Use Fresh, Sturdy Boxes
Providing your shipping is not always inexpensive, and opportunities to cut costs can be tantalizing. We run a business, so we urge you to do so when you can — but not at the expense of quality. New and well-made packing materials will cost a little more than flimsier stuff, but they are worth the price.
This is especially true for the containers used to store and secure those products from start to end. Corrugated shipping boxes with sturdy construction and fluting are ideal for protecting fragile goods. Your customers would not accept anything less than the best, so look for the best.
Go Small When Possible
Sometimes, the weight of a package is not as inconvenient as the shape of the package. One could conceivably lift a container weighing 25 pounds without any assistance if said container fits in their hands. One may need another pair of hands for a much wider box, even if it weighs less.
For this reason, many shippers prefer to work with smaller packages. We know that it is not always possible — some goods are just too big to take in one hand. If you can, though, it would be much easier for you, and eventually, your customer, to handle.
Treat Different Items Differently
“Fragile” has a straightforward definition. Anything designated as such has less resistance and is damaged more easily. However, protecting fragile items from damage is much less straightforward. Different goods are prone to different dangers. Some may crack if jostled too hard. Some cannot shatter so easily but are vulnerable to water.
No single approach fits every fragile item. As a result, you must learn how to pack fragile items of all kinds, then choose your approach on a case-by-case basis. Get familiar with the exact nature of each item’s fragility, then take the appropriate measures to secure the package. More work and thought are required, but it will pay off.
Wrap Separately as Needed
When customers order multiple products, putting them inside the same container is convenient and often preferable. These bundles save space inside the transport vehicle’s storage space, allowing for more shipments at once. In turbulent conditions, though, items crammed that close together may grind against and even damage each other.
If you plan to put multiple goods in the same box, we strongly recommend wrapping each good. Strong cushioning can lessen any impacts and provide a greater defense. Certain products may benefit from specific accessories. A common example is using cardboard dividers for wine glasses, with each one in its hole.
Stuff the Empty Spaces
Turbulence can still cause damage even for products that are shipped by themselves. Containers are often just as tough on the inside as on the outside. If an item has enough space to move around, it could bounce off the walls and get scratched, chipped, or otherwise beaten up.
Cushioning materials can help with that. The term applies to a range of solutions, from bubble wrap to confetti to foam pellets. Each type of stuffing has its benefits and drawbacks. All can keep products in place within the container, no matter how strenuous the conditions around it may be.
Tape and Tape Again
Everyone loves receiving an order, but few enjoy opening the package. You are almost certainly familiar with the hassle of carving through reams of thick tape with scissors, only to find more on another side. You may feel tempted to take a different approach with your business. We advise against it.
Shippers apply a great deal of tape to their boxes for a reason: it is better than applying too little tape. In the latter situation, a little mishandling can cause heavier and/or pointier objects to pierce the adhesive and tumble to the ground. Of course, the result is much worse with fragile goods.
Remember to Use Labels
You could know everything about how to pack fragile items with effectiveness and care. All that work would be for naught if you neglect to include a Fragile warning on the box. This label shows anyone, from shipping workers to recipients, that the container must be handled with the utmost care.
Other labels can show exactly what kind of care is required for the contents. Hazardous materials warning labels, which are required by law, communicate what hazards could trigger a dangerous reaction. In a less dramatic vein, “This Way Up” markings direct people on how to place and hold the container.
Stack Strategically
This tip should be obvious, but it still bears keeping in mind. We all know that heavier objects will weigh down on lighter objects. When orienting multiple goods inside a container, the ones that weigh most belong at the bottom. This approach prevents smaller, more fragile goods from getting crushed.
The same principle applies when putting packages into the storage area of the transport vehicle. Whether it is a cargo plane or a shipping truck, the heftiest boxes should be on the floor. Organize the other containers so that each additional layer is lighter than the one beneath it.
Learn How to Pack Fragile Items with Tigerpak Products
Perhaps the most important thing you can do when learning how to pack fragile items is get the best tools and equipment for the task. Tigerpak can help out with a vast selection of high-quality shipping materials, including cushioning products. Shop with us today and keep your most vulnerable items intact all through the shipping process.